Category: testing

  • Test: aria-description

    The aria-description attribute was added to give developers more flexibility than the aria-describedby attribute. Previously, we’d use aria-describedby to connect an input to its helper or error text. But aria-description allows us to include a string, much like the aria-label attribute. I’ve avoided this because I didn’t think it had good support. The accessibility support…

  • ARIA Label Bookmarklet

    I love simple bookmarklets that visualize coding patterns. I was working on a project today and wanted to verify that aria-labels were sufficiently descriptive. So I put together this quick bookmarklet. aria-label bookmarklet Simply drag that up to your bookmark bar and click on it whenever you need to test a page. If an element…

  • Accessibility Bookmarklets

    Update: this was originally published in 2013 and many of the links will be outdated. Bookmarklets are small javascript links that let you perform tasks in your browser. I have collected a set of bookmarklets that allow easier accessibility testing. This collection will certainly grow. What is your favorite? Add it in the comments. To…